

In a world where technology constantly evolves, IT teams may feel overwhelmed and overworked. 他们可能没有时间或资源来跟上这些变化, 随着基础设施老化,公司转型或扩张, 这些团队经常不得不争分夺分地保持一切正常运转. That’s why many businesses have turned to outsourcing for their IT 基础设施 services[1] .

什么是IT外包? Information technology outsourcing occurs when your business 雇佣s a third-party company to handle some or all of your IT projects for you. There are two IT outsourcing models: a fully managed service model and a co-sourced model. A fully managed service model means that your business relies on the third party for all things IT-related, whereas the co-sourced model means you only use the third party for certain projects or services.

People often hear outsourcing as a bad word in the tech world because they associate it with lost jobs for their IT departments. 事实并非如此. 这样的公司 MG游戏登录网页 与企业合作,而不是替代企业. Our consultants partner with your team to provide what you need when you need it. 与此同时,你的团队可以专注于其他紧迫的责任.

在本博客中,mg官方游戏中心将讨论一些IT基础设施示例[2]  of outsourcing that businesses elect to do now as well as the benefits of outsourcing these projects or functions.


任何IT功能都可以外包. You can choose to outsource part or all of these functions based on what works best for your business. Many businesses decide to outsource either because they do not have the time or resources on hand for updating IT 基础设施 or 安全; because they want help with IT vendor contract negotiations; or because they want to turn their ideas into realities. Below are some IT outsourcing services examples that a third party company can assist you with.

  • 应用程序服务: 与咨询公司合作的方式有很多,比如 MG游戏登录网页 用于企业web和移动应用程序开发. 利用经验丰富的UX团队, 你可以更好地定义用户的需求, 优先考虑你的产品路线图并定义一个MVP, 估算开发成本和ROI, and ensure you're delivering maximum impact to your users at the greatest value to you. Armed with this plan, a skilled development team can deliver your vision. 和MG游戏登录网页这样的咨询团队合作, capable of delivering in many different technologies ensures that you're getting a technical solution that is tailored to your unique needs.

  • 业务服务: :  专注于解决客户的关键业务需求, optimizing their business processes and helping them mature are key components of 业务服务. Project management focuses on efficiently planning and delivering on strategic projects for your business. Business analysis provides an objective view into your organization which helps to uncover inefficiencies and drive change (solve problems) more quickly.  评估和合规确保您的业务数据安全.  Quality Engineering provides results minimizing issues during 实现ation.  学习 and Development strengthens individuals or groups knowledge enabling them for efficient work performance.

  • 数据和分析: An IT consulting firm works with clients at all stages in their use of data technologies.  他们帮助设计, 实现, and manage data systems that deliver accelerated and actionable insights clients need to be competitive in today’s fast moving business environment.

  • 基础设施: Third-party IT consultants can monitor your IT 基础设施 for performance, 存储, 跟踪, 以及沟通问题. They can fix these issues before business gets too backlogged and help increase performance, 可靠性和成本节约.


Hiring an outside party to handle your IT needs offers several advantages related to money, 专业知识, 安全, 和效率. 让mg官方游戏中心来看看外包的6个好处.

  1. 降低成本. 而不是花钱去面试, 雇佣, 并在出现大项目时培训新的IT员工, 你可以求助于第三方来帮助你完成这个项目. 当你这样做的时候, you only spend money on the extra assistance when you need it instead of all year round.

  2. 让有经验的人加入你的团队. 这可能要花很多时间, 能源, and resources to 雇佣 and train a new employee to handle your IT problems. Some companies that don’t feel like hiring an extra employee will even pull employees familiar with one part of IT to work on projects in areas they are unfamiliar with. Hiring professionals from a third-party company quickly provides you experts who specialize in whatever your project needs. mg官方游戏中心的专业人员 MG游戏登录网页 在不同行业、不同规模的企业工作. They’ve seen just about everything and can hit the ground running as soon as you choose to work with us.

  3. 提高效率. 当你从一开始就把专家放在你的团队中时, 您可以更快地完成项目并将交付物推向市场. 这样做不仅会让你比竞争对手更有优势, but it will allow your employees to finish projects quicker so that they can spend time on other responsibilities as well.

  4. 了解新技术. 当您聘请第三方公司来帮助您解决IT需求时, you 雇佣 experts in the industry who stay up to date with the latest technologies. They can provide insight into which tools are best for you to use as well as negotiate deals to get those tools at a more affordable rate. The professionals at MG游戏登录网页 attend training annually to keep current with everything they should know in the IT world.

  5. 提高你的安全性. 数据是任何IT基础设施的重要组成部分. Third-party consulting companies can keep it safe through constant monitoring and quick responses when they find trouble. 因为他们对不同的技术有着丰富的知识, 他们可以建议你需要什么工具来保证你的数据安全.

  6. 更快地从最坏的情况中恢复过来. 即使采取了顶级安全措施和其他最佳做法, 企业可能仍然会遇到数据泄露或其他技术问题. 当此类事件发生时, having a tech expert to work with will allow you to gain access to your data quicker so that you can return to regular operation sooner.


你可以用 MG游戏登录网页! We have been working with customers for over 26 years and put that relationship with our customers at the forefront of our mission. 当你外包给mg官方游戏中心的时候, we will work alongside you to ensure that we get you exactly what you need and keep your vision in mind. We have the knowledge and experience to give you IT solutions that work and work well. mg官方游戏中心96%以上的员工拥有高级学位和证书, and they do additional training each year to stay on top of the tech world.

If you want to outsource to a company who knows their stuff and will act as your partner, mg官方游戏中心 了解更多.



