

No one can deny the importance of maintaining high self and social awareness in the workplace. 然而, these critical concepts are often pushed to the back burner in fast-paced work environments. 以科技行业为例. With intense competition and fast approaching deadlines, tech workers have a lot on their plate.

Because tech professionals are under so much pressure they can quickly begin to feel vulnerable, 烧坏了, 更不自信. 事实上, 最近的调查 found that 62% of tech workers feel physically and emotionally drained after their workday ends.

All of these feelings and stressors contribute to a lack of self-awareness. 随着这些不安全感的膨胀, people tend to become less aware of their feelings, 动机, behaviors—causing them to lash out at their coworkers, 朋友, 和家人.

And a lack of self-awareness isn’t just bad for people, it’s bad for business. Really, the less self-aware an employee is, the more difficult they are to work with. This affects the broader organization as a whole. 一个 研究 reported that the employees of poor-performing companies were 79% more likely to have low overall self-awareness compared to companies with high success rates.

那么,该怎么做呢? Discovering how to improve self-awareness in the workplace begins by understanding the key concepts of self-awareness and sourcing methodologies that help employees become more mindful.

What Are the Three Areas of Self-awareness?

On a basic level, there are three elements that affect a person’s self-awareness.

1.   自我认知

Self perception is how you view yourself and is often influenced by positive and negative personal experiences. Some people suffer from negative self perception, which can be an influential factor in a lack of self-awareness. Most people with little self-awareness are plagued with self doubt and feel insecure. This often causes people to lash out in the workplace, makes it difficult for them to accept constructive feedback with grace.

On the flip side, when a person has a healthy sense of self, they are more likely to:

  • 承认自己的错误

  • 感觉更自信

  • 接受新的挑战

  • 更好地与队友合作

2.   心态

积极思考是有力量的. Of course, everyone has negative thoughts—it’s inevitable. 然而, getting stuck in a negative mindset can be detrimental to your self-awareness and overall mental health. People who get stuck in a negative mindset often let their cynicism become a habit, which harms their ability to deal with even minor setbacks. 如果这种情况持续得够久的话, a person might not even realize that their thoughts are mostly negative—which indicates that their self-awareness is significantly altered.

You can learn to develop healthy ways to cope with pessimistic tendencies by:

  • 在治疗中谈论它

  • Taking a break when you’re feeling defeated or frustrated

  • Spending more time with 朋友 和家人

  • 专注于你的爱好

  • 参加体育活动  

None of these tactics will stop you from experiencing negativity, but they can help you work through these tough situations without damaging your self-awareness.

3.   情绪

Improving your self-awareness is about more than just regulating your emotions. You also need to focus on your emotional intelligence. This means improving your ability to realize the impact your actions, 情绪, 情绪对其他人也有影响. People with low self-awareness are less likely to realize when their actions have negatively impacted another person. In addition to seeking therapy, a person can improve their emotional intelligence by:

  • 对自己的行为负责

  • 说话更加小心

  • Seeking out perspectives different from their own

What Are the Three Ways To Help Develop Self-awareness?

一个 研究 found that 95% of people think they’re self-aware, but only 10-15% truly are. 令人震惊的,对吧? 值得庆幸的是, there are plenty of emotional intelligence self-awareness activities that people can pursue to improve their self-awareness. 以下是mg官方游戏中心最喜欢的几个:

  1. Practice Yoga or some form of meditation regularly. 人们可以单独做这件事, or company leaders can organize group meditation sessions for their employees.

  2. Journaling is a great way to check in with yourself and reflect on your behavior. You can use journaling to celebrate your achievements, 确定需要改进的地方, 为自己设定目标.

  3. Taking a personality or strengths test can offer you greater insight into your personality and how you handle difficult situations. 的 优势仪, 九型人格, 迈尔斯布里格斯 tests are three popular options that might be worth exploring! 的se tests are great on an individual basis, but they can also help entire departments of an organization better understand how to communicate and collaborate with one another.

You Must Know Yourself To Better Yourself

Being self-aware helps you to perceive issues more objectively and better understand if and how you contributed to the conflict. This can improve your relationships with 朋友, family, work colleagues. 最终, becoming more self-aware allows you to improve your personal life, 还有你的工作生活. If you want to learn more about how to improve your intentionality and perception in the workplace, 看看莫泽的最新消息 播客 集!



